On 6th July at Parkinn hotel Haguruka organized one day workshop meeting it is a validation of the mediation module that will be used in the community in order to prevent people going to court for minor conflict like land and other family conflict.

During the workshop we went through the module where we saw the meaning of the conflict and the cause,

  1. there is conflict for a person himself,
  2. Frustration,
  3. Natural denial,
  4. one between 2 persons,
  5. groups and more

The way conflict appears:
some that is starting to appear, the one you can see


  1. properties,
  2. Relationships
  3. race and ethinics regions

Those mediators will be taught how to solve conflict by using the main resolution to look the problem from the root cause of it.
this method is to create a solution through common understanding, using the law but in a way to have a little patient.
Conclude different cases found in the families without going to court.
The module will cover the gender based violence, here is what to look for:
the purpose of this module is to understand the conflicts found in the community, and the way to handle it, the instruments to use according to the rules and culture, here better use neutrality and mediate without using his/her ego: where a mediator is from, knowledge, occupation, regions and many more.....

To make this module have an impact in the community we had a group discussion where we provided additional recommendation in 1. which ways to proper use the training ?
2. how should the trainer behave ?


Make correction to the way we give training.
Avoid using breaking languages.
mediation must be used with skills and techniques so that families won’t go to court.
Include people with disabilities.

Speaking at the closing of the training the Executive Secretary of Haguruka Mme Ninette UMURERWA thanked the other organizations that came to support Haguruka to improve the module and that this will give the community a good mediation people and unite the society saying i thank the group discussion that we had today and hope this module will help solve conflict in our families. Including gender into the techniques will solve violence the cases will end up in mediation and if it can’t be solved then will go to court.

Ninette UMURERWA The Executive Secretary of HAGURUKA

The country representative of the InterPeace that lead the program Mr. Frank KAYITARE said that we need mediation in this program because most of the crimes come from gender based violence, from land conflict and other family related conflict.
The training will provide positive outcome and will provide assessment, I thank Haguruka for this module that will be used by other organization, the use of this module will bring peace to our community and the society in general.

Frank KAYITARE/ Country Director of InterPeace

Group photo