For 18 month DIDE Organization has conducted a program JUSTICE, HEALING,
In partnership with RBJ (Rwanda Bridge to Justice)
to unite Rwandans in prison for the crime of genocide with the family victims.

It was in the capitalization meeting of The Organization DIDE RWANDA (Dignité en Détention), to review the 18 months that the organization did the program in Nyamagabe, Huye and Rusizi prisons.

The Regional Delegate of DIDE Organization showed that at the beginning of the program there were many prisoners who preferred to join the program but the organization chooseto take 437 who are near to serve their sentence.

In those 437, the one who meet with the survivors and receive forgiveness are only 132.
Corona-virus break out with other 37 prisoners in Rusizi prison who went to ask for forgiveness
in Nyamasheke District, and other 97 in Nyaruguru District who received invitations
to meet with the survivors at their home.

Above: MUKANSORO Odette/Regional Delegate-DIDE Organization

The Regional delegate of DIDE Organization said that they are in need of Financial
Supporters, to be able to resume the ongoing program, if necessary continue it in others prisoners because we know it is needed, she said
"According to what we do i think we will found financial means and the program can continue in one way or another."

RCS Doctrine and Ethics Director CSP Therese KUBWIMANA said they are still many
prisoners who need to be part of the program to unite with the survivors and ask for
forgiveness because it heals the perpetrators and survivors.

The RCS insists that the Organization DIDE need to be sponsored to continue the program, because in collaboration with other partners, Covid-19 come while 1037 prisoners had been in contact with the survivors’ families and received forgiveness,
there were 5925 other prisoners who was waiting to be connected with those
they betray and other 641 who was receiving training.

The Executive Secretary of the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission
Ndayisaba Fidéle added that those who teach the program to unite Rwandans
are not needed inside the prisons only but also outside in the public saying that
"even for the released prisoners living in the society it is necessary that they get help to be able to change and heal to increase the trust they receive in the public society he Added "the Genocide crime is a non-human crime, the crime breaks the perpetrators and the victims and their families. the consequences of the crime are a continuous chain, and reach their next generations.
those actions of reconciliation help to reduce those consequences, and stop reach
their young families.

Those who meet with survivors and ask for forgiveness, appreciate the help they receive to be able to ask the forgiveness for they could not do it themselves. what made them more happy is the way they are living with the victims.


John Kabacuzi from shangi in Nyamasheke Ddistrict, in April 2020 finish his sentence of 12 years for the crime of Genocide he committed, he is one of the connected perpetrators while in prison with the family he betrayed.

He said" Since i return home, we work together with my neighbors, we have fun together we invite each other, i don’t guilty and ashamed anymore. i thank the staff of the program and the victim family because we committed the crimes against humanity, we don’t deserve to be forgiven.

Those who forgive the perpetrators said it helped them to heal but mostly Perpetrators show them where the body of the victims are Thrown.

Kampogo Constance who is the Representative of Association of the Survivor (AVEGA) in Nyamasheke District said that Burring their loved ones with Dignity Heal them and Move on with their life without feeling they are in debt of their lost one.
now you feel you fulfill your responsibility as a survivor.

The mayor of Nyaruguru District HABITEGEKO Francois says that in his District those in way of reconciliation is 50 but there are other 16 to follow, but can’t go because of covid-19.

He added that someone can think that is a small number but it false, many efforts were required to help them understand the importance of asking for forgiveness.

HABITEGEKO Francois/Mayor-Nyaruguru

Those who asked for forgiviness are the fertilizers and it never be less.
for sure those who received training while beeing in prison and now that are out in the society help them in Recinciliation campaign

Above: NABAHIRE Anastase/ Justice Sector Coordinator-MINIJUST

Above: MUGISHA Frank/DIU Coordinator-USAID