The preparation of the halfway home transit center they are Key informants who are very close to the beneficiaries in their daily life.
We interviewed different key members in the same field as people helping them to know what they wish the center should provide.

the discussion in their words:

First, those inmates should be released after they are well treated and corrected as their name says. To prepare them to return into the community prisons should know who has few years left for his sentence, knowing what crime he/she has committed and circumstances that pushed to do a crime so, according to who he is and his personality, if possible be able to return as individual he/she was before or even better than before he committed a crime, the problem here is that the prison is not capable of doing that.
Correction services to the prisoners should include teachings to reach every corner of different inmates. They should be taught to win, take into consideration what he has done because it the foundation of change, when he returns, he should be a new individual, the big issue people are released with lower level on this one.
for us prisoners are not our daily partners, but our goal is to teach RCS staff to do a good correction, we prepare study materials on how to treat well an inmate and privilege his basic human rights. We give them training to go and train other workers in the correction field.
Now what we are doing , we have made a curriculum to teach prisoners serving their sentence, since they have convicted until they finish their sentence.

RCS should start teaching inmates soon as they enter the prison treat them well with dignity so that he will return with self-confidence and society should see him as an important element to the community.
Put correction practice policies into the local authority’s social development department to prepare reintegration long time serving prisoners into the ordinary life.

The justice sector should partner with Mifotra to revise some sector of it, where you find restriction of a person served in the prison not to have a position into the public sector, here you should not say to work in the public sector you are supposed being not convicted, after that ask prisoners to live fairly in the ordinary life, how is he/she supposed to return to normal life when there is limitation to their opportunities to the community they belong to. The law should give a restricted time and after grant that right again.
Saying that prison corrects inmates even it is its responsibility, then after an inmate is released continued to live under that tough life it is another way of punishing him, if the government is correcting someone let him/her have same level of opportunities as an ordinary citizen otherwise he/she will consider himself as a second citizen.

On my behalf i can start asking myself who will be the ones to enter the center, in my opinion it should be not every one should be in that center because there is few years time left to his released, who should be there for me it has to be someone well corrected with good behavior, who help his fellow inmates when needed make life for them much easier, those whose action surely tell they are new people.

According to programs to be given in that center i think they shouldn’t teach workforce only, i wish this was done in the prison where they still have much time in their time table, but they should be programs to reunite prisoners with their victim’s families and also with their own family.

Another program i think should be included is the lessons of national values, how an ordinary citizen should behave, to be familiarized with the community so they will be fit in well instead of finding himself in it by accident, even those in the family see him as a close relative, this will be necessary for the center to receive those living outside in the community (the out reach program )
  The center should have some programs to remind him of his former society and let him choose those he is going to live with and what benefit he will gain.
  There should be different work to keep them busy, but should bring income for them at one hand and other part can go to the center to be able to possess all the necessary needs without asking to partners, one portion to be given to other inmate to provide for his family in that few money and this will bring him some value into the family as well as in the community.